Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict


If you want to share your website and be in this list, don’t hesitate to contact me.

This page is still a draft, it should evolve between two procrastinations.


Nom Lang Description
Ye Olde Blogroll En A humanly curated list of personal and independent regularly updated blogs.
Yet Another Blogroll En Another humanly curated blogroll, made by me. En


Nom Langue Description
Fosstodon En Free culture oriented community, based on Mastodon.


Nom Langue Description
NextInpact Fr IT news
Grande Conso Fr News from a journalist specialized in Retail
Zataz Fr IT Security news


Nom Langue Description
Hackernewsletter En Weekly IT newsletter about Tech, Science, etc.
TL;DR En Daily newsletter about Tech, Science, etc.

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