Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Linux Explained part 8 : Remote access with SSH

- 18 minutes read time

For the last entry of the Linux Explained series, we will explore the remote access and administration of a Linux machine using SSH. From RSH to SSH The Remote Shell, or rsh, is a command line computer program created in 1983 as a part of the Berkeley “r-commands” - r for remote -, released for the first time in 1981, made to enable the users of an Unix computer to connect to another one using the network.

Linux Explained part 7 : The memory management

- 13 minutes read time

For this next entry in the Linux Explained series, we’re going to explore one of the Linux Kernel crucial functionality, the memory management. What is the memory for an operating system The memory management is a critical aspect of an operating system.

Linux Explained part 6 : The Standard Streams

- 19 minutes read time

Now we have seen plenty of basis about Linux, let’s dig into some nice other features. This one will be about the Shell Streams, or Standard Streams, the basic input and output channels you may interact with. What are the Standard Streams On a Linux text-based shell (and on other systems too), you have the notion of Standard Streams.

Linux Explained part 5 : The users management

- 16 minutes read time

For the fifth entry of the Linux Explained series, we will now see how does Linux manage the users. What is a user and group for Linux ? If you remember the Unix history in the first chapter, one detail about the Multics, then Unix conception was to be multi-users.

Linux Explained part 4 : The files permissions

- 13 minutes read time

In this fourth entry of our Linux Explained series, following the filesystems definition, we will now see how Linux manages the access to the files and folders. The file permissions Now we have seen how do Linux organizes its filesystem, let’s see how it manages the permissions of the files and folders.

Linux Explained part 3 : The Filesystems

- 12 minutes read time

In this third entry of our Linux Explained series, we’re going to see at a deeper level the filesystem management that have been mentioned previously. The first part will be a general description of what is a filesystem. Then, we will see describe how Linux organizes and uses its filesystem.

Linux explained part 2 : Bootloader, Init and Shell

- 13 minutes read time

Second entry in our Linux Explained series, let’s talk about three common concepts composing a Linux Distribution : the Bootloader, the Init Process, and the Shell. In a simple words (I hope), we will see what are these three concepts and how do they work together in a Linux distribution.

Linux explained part 1 : History and basic concepts

- 8 minutes read time

On this blog, I’ve wrote some articles about Linux. But maybe you’re not entirely familiar with the lowest layers of the Linux distributions. I’ll propose you a little series of articles about Linux, its history, what is the Linux Kernel, the concept of Linux distribution, what are the filesystem permissions, etc.