Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Telegram temporary blocked in France

- 3 minutes read time

The 13th of May, Telegram, a popular messaging application, got blocked by the French Government under the child abuse and terrorism fighting enforcement laws. Following their procedure, the Police requested the French ISP to block some URLs tagged as “child porn” as the law requires it.

Guys, it's OK to be on social medias

- 3 minutes read time

There’s a behavior I’ve often observed during a discussion about the major social medias. Some people are trying to justify why they’re using them as it would be a problem to use them. – “I’m just using them to keep contact with people I know”

Big Tech Corp dependency evaluation - Round 2

- 5 minutes read time

Two years ago, I’ve made a self evaluation of my dependency regarding the Big Tech Companies (article in French). I think it would be nice to re-evaluate it regularly to see how is it evolving, or possibly regressing regarding various online services usage.

Evaluation d'indépendance face aux géants du Web

- 8 minutes read time

Evaluation d’indépendance face aux géants du Web On lit par-ci par-là de nombreuses listes de services ou promotions pour se “désintoxiquer de Google” tant l’hégémonie des géants du Web est présente dans notre quotidien. Il est évident que l’effet de masse est l’un des plus grands catalyseurs d’audience pour ces services.