Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict


- 3 minutes read time

Alfie is a science fiction thriller novel written by French author Christopher Bouix, published in 2022. The story is told by Alfie, the artificial intelligence of a powerful home automation system. Alfie is an high-end AI-based home automation system made by AlphaCorp.

Tech from the past - Motorola M3588

- 5 minutes read time

Moving to a new home is always the time when you found out some old crap you’ve stored a long time ago. Let me introduce you one of them : the Motorola M3588. My first mobile phone I’ve had in high school.

Who Goes There ?

- 2 minutes read time

Who Goes There ? is a 1938 science fiction horror book written by John W. Campbell. This novella got movies adaptation such as the famous John Carpenter’s The Thing in 1982. In French, the novel is entitled La Chose, which is the translation for “The Thing”.

The Space Trilogy

- 6 minutes read time

Following Childhood’s End, my exploration of Arthur C. Clarke books made me read three other works regrouped into a series entitled The Space Trilogy, which are Islands in the Sky, The Sands of Mars, and Earthlight, or Les îles de l’espace, Les sables de Mars, and Lumière cendrée in French.

Fallout (TV Series)

- 6 minutes read time

Fallout is a Post-apocalyptic TV show based on the eponymous video games series. Amazon bought on 2020 the rights for the TV adaptation and the series premiered on April 2024 with 8 episodes. The show has been renewed for a second season.

No more separated Homepage and Blog

- 2 minutes read time

It’s been just a few months following the previous redesign, but I must admit I wasn’t satisfied. So I needed to remodel a little this blog. And another question I’ve asked to myself was : why having a dedicated blog URL actually and a homepage that was just an aggregate ?

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