Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

I don't know

- 4 minutes read time

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve started a new mission at work, still as a solutions architect. A very interesting context with important stakes : reduce the legacy debt, enhance, and build tomorrow’s service. The team I’ve integrated had several experiences with their previous architects.

So, I've opened a small individual business

- 7 minutes read time

Last December, I’ve created a small indvidual enterprise regarding my writing side activities to declare my incomes aside from my main job. It’s a very simple status that does not require too much administrative formalities. Because in France, we love administrative formalities.

Free Culture or Culture for Free ?

- 3 minutes read time

A couple of years ago, I’ve wrote an article about the Free Software licenses. But, since I’ve started to write and sell ebooks online, I’ve noticed something I was already aware of. There is still a confusion between free and free.

Solutions Architect : Should I say or should I do ?

- 9 minutes read time

Today, I would like to share some experience regarding what is my job. This is a job I do since around five years now, after taking the opportunity of the departure of the previous technical architect our team (a nice guy, I’ve learned nice things with him), and after years as an integration project manager.

Some issues with how to join the Fediverse I've observed

- 13 minutes read time

I’ve joined the Fediverse around four years ago, when I’ve put online the first version of this blog. It was based on Plume, a blogging tool that supported ActivityPub for users interactions and blogs federations until I’ve changed for Hugo (fr).

Guys, it's OK to be on social medias

- 3 minutes read time

There’s a behavior I’ve often observed during a discussion about the major social medias. Some people are trying to justify why they’re using them as it would be a problem to use them. – “I’m just using them to keep contact with people I know”

I'm tired of companies thinking we're buddies

- 3 minutes read time

There is a virus in France that infect more and more companies
 Inverting the T-V distinction with their customers. In French, there are two pronouns for addressing to somebody : tu or vous (based on latin tu and vos). Tu is usually for family, friends, coworkers, classmates, and any kind of close people.

Why do I enjoy Fosstodon

- 5 minutes read time

I’ve joined Fosstodon since a little more than 2 years now. At this moment, I wasn’t into social medias and had none of them. I’ve discovered the power of the Fediverse with my former blog tool : Plume. Seeing some comments coming from Mastodon instances was fun an nice.

Something about our languages

- 5 minutes read time

Recently in France, the Administrative Tribunal took a decision against the Health Ministry (MinistĂšre des solidaritĂ©s et de la santĂ© - Link in French) and the French State because of a project named : “Health Data Hub” (sic). Launched in 2019, the Health Data Hub project is a platform administered by the public health ministry for medical research and treatment quality enhancement.

Is being rude in UX design the norm ?

- 5 minutes read time

If I must explain why I enjoy static and simple websites, the main reason would be because they’re not annoying attention-seeking kids yelling at you. The web surfing is a complete mess of distraction and rude behavior with absolutely no respect to the viewer.

Why would I need something else than RSS ?

- 3 minutes read time

Once upon a time, there was a very decentralized Web where each website proposed to subscribe to newsletters or follow their RSS feed to have the last news. We had RSS readers (on web version or on desktop, for instance I was using Opera’s RSS feed reader) which were regularly pooling the feeds and update the new articles.

Something about commercial VPN Services : My concerns

- 14 minutes read time

In the previous article, I’ve exposed here the concept of a VPN, what’s happening when you using one, and what do the commercial services are offering. Now, I’ll explain why I don’t trust them, and why I won’t use them.

I'm getting lazy in video games

- 4 minutes read time

Following my previous post about Tales of Arise, I would like to share a feeling that’s growing with the time. I’m getting lazy in video games. What does it mean ? Since some years, I always set the difficulty to “Easy” or “Story”.

Something about commercial VPN services : What is a VPN ?

- 10 minutes read time

Last years, I’ve wrote a vulgarization article about the differences between a VPN and a Proxy (article in French). You may have noticed that the commercial VPN services are a common sponsor for the so-called social medias influencers. I have myself received various offers from various affiliation managers (I’m an influencer, yeay !

The complex case of online age verification against privacy protection laws

- 14 minutes read time

La CNIL, or Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des LibertĂ©s, is the French Administrative Authority competent for the personal data protection under the GDPR and national law perimeter. On July 26th, they published a study (link in French) about the online age verification regarding the adult restricted content on the Web, the existing solutions, their opinion, and their recommendation.

How to fail at your software project

- 9 minutes read time

Instead of buying a market product for its business needs, a company may improvise itself as a software publisher and will develop its own solutions. But they quickly forget that software publisher, software developer, or software project manager are actual professions.

About Twitter Notes feature

- 5 minutes read time

That’s not really a big news as the feature is in development since some times, but you may have heard about “Twitter Notes”. To summarize, this feature will allow its users to write actual blog posts without the well-known 280 characters limitation.

The importance of the methodology over the tools

- 6 minutes read time

Some months ago, I’ve made a series of articles about the misbrands, a collection of brands logos derivations that put a name onto the logo of a competitor product. They were really fun for me and I’ve put some on my work laptop.

Something that made me prefer Final Fantasy XIV after World of Warcraft

- 6 minutes read time

I’ve wrote a little about Final Fantasy XIV on this blog (most of these articles are in French), because that’s a game I really like. Also, it’s the first MMORPG on which I continue playing after being five years on World of Warcraft, that I’ve left on 2009.

Is video a good information support ?

- 3 minutes read time

Videos are used since many years on Internet and became a very common information media. However, I’m always wondering about their relevance regarding all of the use cases we can see. I’m myself a subscriber of various Youtubers and also from other platforms, so I am a video consumer too.

Les lois françaises sur l'interdiction d'accÚs à la pornographie aux mineurs sont-elles bien écrites ?

- 10 minutes read time

C’est le cheval de bataille des groupes politiques et associatifs depuis toujours et un bon vieux dĂ©mon qu’on aime haĂŻr tout en refusant d’avouer qu’on en a tous consommĂ© : la pornographie. Pourquoi j’en parle en ce dĂ©but d’annĂ©e ? Car depuis quelques mois, des procĂ©dures ont Ă©tĂ© initiĂ©es en France par le Conseil SupĂ©rieur de l’Audiovisuel pour bloquer 5 sites web pornographiques si ceux-ci ne se mettent pas en conformitĂ© avec la loi française.

Le mot 'Qualité' est-il un gros mot dans l'IT ?

- 8 minutes read time

A la suite de mes interrogations sur la sĂ©curitĂ© informatique, je constate quand mĂȘme au fil du temps que la qualitĂ© n’est quasiment jamais au rendez-vous dans le domaine de l’IT. Ce constat je le fais aussi bien en tant que professionnel du secteur travaillant selon les principes de la dĂ©marche DevOps et me trouvant donc Ă  mi chemin entre le dĂ©veloppement et l’opĂ©rationnel (historiquement, je viens de la partie Ops) qu’en tant que client utilisant le produit de services informatique d’entreprise.

Log4Shell, la sécurité informatique est-elle une option ?

- 5 minutes read time

Le week-end dernier fut quelque peu agitĂ© pour le monde de l’IT avec la publication d’une faille dans la bibliothĂšque Log4j dĂ©couverte le 24 novembre dernier et corrigĂ©e le 6 dĂ©cembre. Je ne reviendrai pas dessus, de trĂšs nombreux articles ont expliquĂ© la problĂ©matique et sa portĂ©e, et la page Wikipedia Ă  son sujet est une bonne base d’information.

I don't like AppImage

- 8 minutes read time

Nowadays, a lot a Linux softwares are distributed as AppImage binaries. This way has a lot of advantages either for the user and the developer… But also introduce other issues than can annoy me when they’re occur. This article will expose my point of view for this distribution method.

J'aime pas les AppImage

- 9 minutes read time

De nos jours, pas mal de logiciels sous Linux sont distribuĂ©s sous la forme de binaires AppImage. C’est un moyen qui dispose de nombreux avantages que ce soit pour l’utilisateur ou le dĂ©veloppeur… Mais qui introduit aussi d’autres soucis qui ont tendance Ă  m’irriter lorsque je me retrouve confrontĂ© Ă  ceux-ci.

Des alternatives européennes aux Géants du Net

- 8 minutes read time

Introduction Il y a un mal qui me semble trĂšs français, c’est celui de l’auto flagellation dĂ©faitiste. On se plaint constamment que nous n’avons pas de “insĂ©rez un service Web ici souverain” en opposition aux gĂ©ants du Web qui dominent avec toutes leurs suites logicielles fournies bien souvent gratuitement (en l’Ă©change de toute votre vie).

RĂ©flexions autour de CentOS

- 7 minutes read time

RĂ©flexions autour de CentOS Cela n’a pas Ă©chappĂ© au monde du logiciel libre ces derniĂšres semaines, l’annonce de Red Hat arrĂȘtant le dĂ©veloppement de CentOS (le repacking gratuit de RHEL) au profit de CentOS Stream (la branche qui se veut upstream de RHEL) a provoquĂ© un raz de marĂ©e de rĂ©actions plus ou moins virulentes.