Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

No more separated Homepage and Blog

- 2 minutes read time

It’s been just a few months following the previous redesign, but I must admit I wasn’t satisfied. So I needed to remodel a little this blog. And another question I’ve asked to myself was : why having a dedicated blog URL actually and a homepage that was just an aggregate ?

The blog has a new face ! (And other news)

- 4 minutes read time

The last time this blog got a new design, it was in October 2021. Old, based on SimpleCSS with custom parts, having not followed Hugo’s evolution, and my tastes changing, it was time to put some new paint here. The previous theme was mostly an enhancement of the first original one.

Commissions are opened !

- 1 minutes read time

Following the release on GitHub of a new Hugo template I’ve made, I wanted to explore the opportunity to do something for someone. So, I’ve decided to open some commissions on Ko-fi. So far, three items are available : Make a Hugo template for your website Write a little story, 500 and 1000 words depending of the requested tiers Don’t hesitate !

Integrate your Mastodon feed on a Hugo-powered website

- 5 minutes read time

While I was working on a friend’s website made with Hugo, he asked me if I could integrate his Mastodon profile on the homepage. After a few research, I was surprised to see, or possibly because I couldn’t find it, that it wasn’t possible to create an integration of the user’s feed like you can have with other social media.

Yet Another Blogroll

- 2 minutes read time

During the previous week-end, I had a simple idea about if a blogroll directory could be made with a static-site generator like Hugo (the one I use here). After some tinkering, it appeared that it worked pretty nice, so I’ve launched it on the web and let see what will happen.

The homepage lost some weight

- 2 minutes read time

Recently, I had the curiosity to check if this blog was not too heavy to load, because it’s something I don’t like to endure. So, I’ve checked on GTMetrix and the result was … 😱 The total page size was 27MB, that’s terrible.

I've shared my Hugo shortcodes on GitHub

- 1 minutes read time

A couple of weeks ago, I’ve made an article about how to use Hugo shortcodes and integrate them. I’ve decided to share them on GitHub, you can find them here : Until now, there are two of them : The exif metadata reader I’ve made previously.

No multilingual posts anymore

- 1 minutes read time

I was happy to setup Hugo’s multilingual support for this blog, but after a few articles written in both French and English, I’ve understood it’s not really fun to do it like this. I had the sentiment to always do the job twice and it took more time to write an article in both languages.

Use Hugo Shortcodes to read pictures EXIF metadata

- 5 minutes read time

If you’ve read my previous article about a Champagne cave visit, you may have noticed that all the photos are displaying their technical metadata : Camera and Lens model, aperture, speed, etc. Sorry to deceive you, but I haven’t written all these text manually, I’ve used one of the resourceful Hugo feature : the shortcodes.

Create a multilingual blog with Hugo

- 6 minutes read time

Writing in your native language allow to stay in your comfort zone. But on the Web, it can limit our audience. That’s what I’m telling myself since a couple of time, so I took a look to the multilingual options in order to translate some posts in English.

Faire une galerie photo en site statique

- 7 minutes read time

Il y a quelques temps, je vous avais présenté Piwigo, une solution libre auto hébergée de galerie d’images. Suite à la réinstallation de mes outils sur un nouveau serveur, je n’avais pas vraiment envie de reprendre cet outil… Il est très bien, mais je ne voulais pas encore une fois depuis installer une base MySQL juste pour lui car je préfère PostgreSQL.

Blog avec Hugo et publication automatisée

- 8 minutes read time

Après avoir mis en place mon nouveau blog avec le générateur Hugo, il m’avait fallu voir comment automatiser la publication. En effet, Hugo génère dans un dossier public/ les pages web statiques et celles-ci doivent être déposées sur un serveur web pour les présenter.

Hello Hugo

- 5 minutes read time

Hello Hugo Après plus d’un an avec l’outil de blogging Plume, j’ai voulu changer de logiciel et aller vers quelque chose de plus adapté à mes attentes. Le logo Hugo est sous licence Apache 2.0 Qu’est-ce qui n’allait pas avec Plume ?