Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Au carrefour des étoiles - Way Station

- 3 minutes read time

Way Station, or Au carrefour des étoiles in French, is an American science fiction novel written in 1963 by Clifford D. Simak. Enoch Wallace, veteran who fought during the American Civil War, was born in 1840. His life changed when he got suddenly recruited by an alien he named Ulysses (after the Ulysses S.

Writing activities update : May 2024

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Version française Si je n’ai peut-être pas du en donner l’impression sur ce blog, il s’avère que j’ai été plutôt actif ces dernières semaines dans mes activités d’écriture. Dans mes récentes actualités, le fait le plus marquant reste la sortie de mon dernier livre, Les murmures de la montagne de métal.


- 3 minutes read time

Alfie is a science fiction thriller novel written by French author Christopher Bouix, published in 2022. The story is told by Alfie, the artificial intelligence of a powerful home automation system. Alfie is an high-end AI-based home automation system made by AlphaCorp.

Who Goes There ?

- 2 minutes read time

Who Goes There ? is a 1938 science fiction horror book written by John W. Campbell. This novella got movies adaptation such as the famous John Carpenter’s The Thing in 1982. In French, the novel is entitled La Chose, which is the translation for “The Thing”.

The Space Trilogy

- 6 minutes read time

Following Childhood’s End, my exploration of Arthur C. Clarke books made me read three other works regrouped into a series entitled The Space Trilogy, which are Islands in the Sky, The Sands of Mars, and Earthlight, or Les îles de l’espace, Les sables de Mars, and Lumière cendrée in French.

Les murmures de la montagne de métal

- 4 minutes read time

English version As recently announced, I’m pleased to announce the forthcoming release of my new book entitled Echoes of the Metal Mountain. Part 1. Available in both French and English. Why ‘Part 1’? Because there will be a second part, of course!

Writing activities update : April 2024

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English version Arrival at Neovel I recently discovered the Neovel platform. It’s a slightly different concept to the publishing vectors I usually employ. With a focus on short chapters and serialised stories, they promote a format called web-novels, defined by more continuous chapters and published periodically.

The Dead Man Who Didn't Exist - New edition (and Patreon)

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Version française English version As mentionned a few days ago, I had withdrawn my originally free book The Dead Man Who Didn’t Exist from publication. It will now be published with the planned changes, as announced. It is now available for €0.

Unpublished my free book and license change

- 9 minutes read time

French version below English version This week I decided to remove The Dead Man Who Didn’t Exist from my published books. I had offered this story as a free loss leader. It was a short story, barely twenty pages long, telling a detective story in the small world of my writing.

Writing activites update : March 2024

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French version below. English version The Patient Daniel is currently the last story I’ve wrote and published. If I take a look back of what I’ve done so far with this hobby activity, I have mixed feelings. Globally, I like what I’ve wrote, but I know there is a lot of room for improvement.

Childhood's End

- 5 minutes read time

Childhood’s End, also known as Les Enfants d’Icare in its French translation, is a 1953 novel written by Arthur C. Clarke. Following 2001 : A Space Odyssey, this book was my number two in my Clarke works discover. And I wasn’t disappointed.

2001 : A Space Odyssey (novel)

- 7 minutes read time

2001 : A Space Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction novel written by Arthur C. Clarke. It is the novelisation of the eponymous movie directed by Stanley Kubrick, also co-written by Clarke, developed concurrently and published after the theatrical release. Despite being written at the same time, the book differs from the theatrical movie because it’s based on early works.

Writing activities update : December 2023

- 3 minutes read time

The December 2023 update of my writing activities. New activity website I’ve recently published a new website covering my writing work. Available in both French and English, this website is using a Hugo Template I’ve made for this use-case. Originally, this template was made for a friend, but we decided to open-source it.

Le Patient Daniel

- 6 minutes read time

Version française English version Today, I’m excited to announce the release of my latest story : Le patient Daniel. Started with a twisted idea about a guy placed in a mental asylum, talking about impossible things, this novel is based on a character I’ve used during the RPG sessions years ago that were using the basics of this little universe.

The dead man who didn't exist

- 1 minutes read time

I’m happy to announce the release of a (very) short story : The dead man who didn’t exist, or Le mort qui n’existait pas in French. Synopsis : On a rainy night, Inspector Reynard is called to the scene of a grisly crime.

Writing activites update : November 2023

- 6 minutes read time

Some news regarding my writing activities for this month ! Update : I’ve received my ISBN segment, all of my books are being republished with them. New upcoming books First of all, I’ve finished the English translation of La dernière expédition (The last expedition).

La dernière expédition

- 2 minutes read time

English version below Aujourd’hui, je suis content de vous annoncer la publication d’une nouvelle histoire située dans le même univers que la précédente. Intitulée “La dernière expédition”, il s’agit du récit d’un biographe et historien qui enquête sur la vie d’un grand explorateur et découvre des zones d’ombre dans la biographie de ce dernier.

New story and English translation of my first book

- 4 minutes read time

In the beginning of September, I’ve published on various e-books platforms the first story I’ve wrote. I must admit I’ve took some pleasure to write this and I’m currently writing another one, set in the same universe. But first, I would like to send many thanks to the people who bought the books I’ve published since the beginning (including Linux Explained).

My first short story book

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Today, I’ve submitted to Amazon Kindle store, Kobo, and also on my Ko-Fi shop (that I’ve also discovered I could use that, better later than never…) the first story I’ve wrote as a book. The Amazon and Kobo publications are under review and should be available after 72 hours maximum.

Use a CI/CD workflow to maintain a book content

- 9 minutes read time

This may sound a little incongruous if for you the Continous Integration / Continuous Delivery patterns are for software development, but yes, you can maintain a book with the same principles. Recently, I’ve compiled the Linux Explained articles into an e-book.

Oops, I think I've wrote a book

- 2 minutes read time

Lastly, this blog has been filled by a series of articles named Linux Explained. Since a long time, I’ve wanted to share some knowledge about Linux and try to explain it to people in simple and accessible terms. But, the more the articles were spawning, the more an idea was germinating in my head … Why not compiling these articles into a book ?

H2G2 Vol.6 : And Another Thing...

- 4 minutes read time

Encore une chose… est le sixième et dernier épisode de la “trilogie en six parties” H2G2, sorti en octobre 2009 et écrit par Eoin Colfer. Après la sortie des cinq autres volumes, Douglas Adams ressentait le besoin de conclure la série sur une note plus légère car le dernier livre était vraiment très sombre pour lui.

H2G2 Vol.5 : Mostly Harmless...

- 5 minutes read time

Globalement inoffensive…, voici donc comment s’intitule le cinquième volume de la “trilogie en six parties” H2G2, sorti en 1992 et titré depuis l’entrée du Guide relative à notre planète. Il s’agit là du dernier de la série à avoir été écrit par Douglas Adams, l’auteur nous ayant quitté en mai 2001 des suites d’une crise cardiaque, et de celui qui concluait l’histoire jusqu’à la sortie du sixième volume plus d’une décennie après.

H2G2 Vol.4 : So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish

- 4 minutes read time

Salut, et encore merci pour le poisson est le quatrième livre de la “trilogie en six parties” H2G2, écrit en 1984 par Dougles Adams. Il est titré selon la dernière phrase que les Dauphins, la seconde espèce la plus intelligente de la planète après les Souris, ont dit au moment de quitter la Terre peu de temps avant que celle-ci ne soit détruite par les Vogons pour construire une déviation hyperspatiale.

H2G2 Vol. 3 : Life, the Universe, and Everything

- 4 minutes read time

La Vie, l’Univers, et le Reste est le troisième volume de la “trilogie en six parties” H2G2 écrit par Douglas Adams et sorti en 1982. Il fait de nouveau suite directe du précédent livre, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe et commence donc là où le précédent c’était arrêté.

H2G2 Vol.2 : The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

- 3 minutes read time

Sorti en octobre 1980 au Roayume-Uni, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe est le deuxième livre de la “trilogie en six parties” du Guide de l’Auto-stoppeur Galactique. Suite directe du précédent livre, il enchaîne après le départ de Magrathea des personnages qui sont attaqués par un vaisseau Vogon.

H2G2 - The Hitchhikker's Guide to the Galaxy Volume 1

- 8 minutes read time

The Hitchhikker’s Guide to the Galaxy est le premier livre de la “trilogie en six parties” écrite par Douglas Adams, puis Eoin Colfer pour le sixième. Sorti en 1979, il est l’adaptation papier des quatre premières parties du feuilleton radio diffusé un an auparavant à la BBC Radio 4.

The Hitchhikker's Guide to the Galaxy

- 7 minutes read time

Récemment, je me suis offert une liseuse ebook histoire de déporter les lectures habituellement faites sur PC sur un support plus convenable. Et surtout, profiter du confort de lecture des écrans e-ink que je trouve impressionnant tant le rendu est proche d’un vrai papier imprimé.